Better Renting is a community of renters working together for stable, affordable, and healthy homes.
Over the last few weeks, parts of Australia have been inundated by rain, scorched by heatwaves and slammed by storms. Is this our country’s new normal?
This project explores the experiences of families with young children in Melbourne’s northern suburbs during summer to inform a place-based, gender and culture in.
Building the capacity of front-line staff to support Migrant and Refugee communities through climate emergencies.
Hear from community voices about mental health and wellbeing and how to get help.
This report examines the impact of the flooding on this community, with a particular focus on the impact on women and children from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
In the March Hazardous Webinar, join us for a fascinating look at global post-disaster resilience housing programs and what they mean for Australia.
February Hazardous Webinar – Flash flooding case studies: Improving predictions and the communication of uncertainty.
Get ready for the launch of Australia’s first ever Extreme Heat Awareness Day on February 5th 2025!
The NLCR toolkit outlines why NLCR activities are effective, providing resources and stories of how others have done it. It’s for anyone who wants to support stronger communities and better outcomes for nature.
Join Natural Hazards Research for a special December Hazardous Webinar as they mark the respective 50- and 20-year anniversaries of 1974’s Cyclone Tracy and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Hear from an expert panel of speakers on the continuing legacy of these events in driving Australia’s preparation, response, recovery and resilience to catastrophic disasters.
Fire to Flourish is a long-term community impact program providing direct support to communities as the first and last responders to disasters. Led by Monash University, we are partnering with four communities recently affected by disasters to co-create innovative approaches in community-led disaster recovery and long-term resilience.
This project examines the conceptual relationship between social capital and disaster resilience.
Useful information on how to access cool and safe spaces for vulnerable people during heatwaves.
Keep cool tips and resources from the City of Darebin.
The reMakers Podcast: Season 3, Ep12: In tumultuous times, how do we ensure that communities can care and be cared for through disaster?
In partnership with Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE), Australia reMADE takes a Care lens to the challenge of increasing systemic disaster risk.
In partnership with Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE), Australia reMADE takes a Care lens to the challenge of increasing systemic disaster risk.
National Indigenous Disaster Resilience is a research program within Fire to Flourish. This program was established in 2022 in recognition of the disproportionate impact that natural hazards have had, and will continue to have, on Indigenous peoples and communities.
You are warmly invited to our Emergencies, Safety and Multicultural Communities Forum. Learn more about how to stay safe during the Australian summer and all the most up-to-date information for this year’s season of bushfires, grass fires, heatwaves and swim safety. Experts from CFA (Country Fire Authority), Fire Rescue Victoria, Life Saving Victoria and other key agencies will join us,
You are warmly invited to our Emergencies, Safety and Multicultural Communities Forum. Learn more about how to stay safe during the Australian summer and all the most up-to-date information for this year’s season of bushfires, grass fires, heatwaves and swim safety. Experts from CFA (Country Fire Authority), Fire Rescue Victoria, Life Saving Victoria and other key agencies will join us,
Join the Greater Melbourne Heat Alliance, organisations working on the frontlines of heat adaptation and safety, and experts to explore how extreme heat and gender intersect.
Specialist experts to drive local action
Funded by the Australian Government through the Future Drought Fund and delivered by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), the FRRR Expertise Pool is a vetted network of seasoned and highly-experienced consultants from around the country with a proven track record of working in collaboration with community organisations to achieve their mission and build their resilience.
While we often hear the term “natural disasters”, the truth is, there is no such thing as a ‘natural’ disaster.
In this webinar hear from disaster management experts on what’s needed to stop hazards becoming disasters, and how we can all help shift this understanding and action.
Heat kills more Australians than any other natural disaster. There are steps you can take to protect yourself and others.
A network of organisations who work with communities impacted by extreme heat, have projects aiming to address the impacts of extreme heat or can play a role in heatwave adaptation in Melbourne.
Sweltering Cities works directly with communities in our hottest suburbs to campaign and advocate for more liveable, equitable and sustainable cities.
UNDRR works globally with governments, institutions, the private sector and civil society to build capacity to mainstream disaster risk reduction.
Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) was established in July 2014 and plays a key role in implementing the Victorian Government’s emergency management reform agenda.
The Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) is the control agency for flooding in Victoria, which means that we are responsible for planning for floods, supporting community preparedness and managing flood response if they do occur.