Meeting legal needs and access to justice is vital for community outcomes in climate change adaptation and disaster resilience. However, the preconditions of accessing justice are changing due to climatic impacts and systemic transformation is needed. Community Legal Centres across Australia and Victoria are adapting to challenges of organisational response as well meeting the changing legal needs in impacted communities.

In this webinar, Dr. Bronwyn Lay presents the findings of a literature review which explores how access to justice, climate justice and disaster justice are related and can be more closely aligned. This review presents research on how climate change impacts create new justice challenges, as well as new challenges for law and integrated practice.

The webinar explores how to identify injustice in communities’ experience of extreme weather events, as well as build the enablers of access to justice into disaster and climate change responses. The webinar also presents the learnings and case studies of community legal centres as they face increasing climate change impacts and work towards holistic transformations.

Read the full Climate Change Impacts on Access to Justice – Literature Review (2023)

Dr. Bronwyn Lay
Strategic Lead of the Climate Justice Support Unit 
Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria 

Community Connector for Resilience works to support communities by connecting diverse people and organisations focused on building disaster and climate change resilience to enable sharing knowledge and learning.

Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation is pleased to host and seed fund Community Connector for Resilience.